Yellow-Thighed Caique
(Pionites leucogaster xanthomeria)

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approx. size: 9 inches/ 23 cm native to: central South America available season: summer
min. cage size: 24' x 24" x 24" talking ability: limited

The Caique species are extremely popular due to their beautiful coloration and their lively inquisitive personalities. They love to play and are natural clowns! Native to Bolivia and Brazil, this quite beautiful species is also often called the White-Bellied Caique. As all Caique species have white bellies, Yellow-Thighed is a bit more accurate common name. There are other subspecies with green thighs (P.l. leucogaster) and one with a yellow tail
(P.l. xanthurus) that are rare in the U. S.

Did I mention how much I LOVE caiques?!


Caiques love to shred fresh plant material and should be offered
leafy branches and flowers.

Caiques are always looking for fun! 



The Yellow-Thighed Caique is somewhat less common in U.S. aviculture than the Black-Headed Caique due to the number of birds
imported for breeding stock in the 1970s and 1980s.

At two weeks of age, the eyes are just
opening on these chicks.

Caiques start to pinfeather at four weeks of age. At this stage they are shy and quiet but soon turn into the inquisitive rascals we all love!




Caiques should be fed a diet that contains lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. We also recommend sprouted seeds and grains.
Click here for diet recommendations.

This chick is just weaned.



A cage that is suitable for small bird species such as cockatiels is adequate for a caique. Please allow the bird a lot of time out of its cage as caiques are very inquisitive and playful. We recommend a playpen or tree perch for a pet caique with lots of toys. Caiques enjoy bathing and enjoy to do so in wet green leafy branches.

Have I mentioned lately just

Yellow-Thighed and Black-Headed Caiques

The black feathering on the heads of most young birds is a juvenile characteristic
and the feathers will molt to normal coloration as the bird matures.

Black-Headed and Yellow-Thighed Caiques

In the four photos below, Chelo plays with the baby caiques in the nursery on 10/6/04.





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All photographs are by Gail J. Worth and are copyrighted.
They may not be reproduced by any method without written permission.