The mysterious island of New Guinea is co-inhabited by Indonesia and the independent nation of Papua New Guinea. This is the land of birds of paradise, Pesquest's Parrot, Eclectus Parrots, fruit doves, fig parrots, mynahs, hornbills, cockatoos, honeyeaters, cassowaries, and lories galore! Because of its astounding variety of habitats, New Guinea supports over 700 species of birds. There is still a great deal of unspoiled habitat but gold and oil mining accompanied by new reads into remote areas are changing the ways of the tribes who have lived here undiscovered and undisturbed by modern man until the early to mid twentieth century. Today, it is a country that can be challenging to the traveler and even more so to the bird-watcher! One cannot safely go off driving alone through the countryside nor can one safely stop beside the road, even on a guided tour, to check out a patch of woods. Land is owned by numerous groups who do not look kindly upon strangers on their property! Even with these restrictions, it is still possible to see a dizzying assortment of unusual birds! It is extremely difficult to photograph birds there due to the early morning or late afternoon gloomy light present when the birds can be most easily seen.
However, the Huli Wigmen of the Tari highlands wear a variety of local birds' feathers in their colorful ceremonial wigs. The gentleman at right, playing a mouth harp, has Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo crest feathers, Musschenbroek Lory tail feathers, and Superb Bird of Paradise breast feathers in his wig. These wigs are very expensive for these men and the wigs are carefully maintained. The feathers of certain species, especially those of the birds of paradise, are becoming harder to obtain as the birds retreat deeper into the forest away from human encroachment. These people revere the feathers of the exotic birds that they admire because of their beauty, their singing ability, and their ability to fly and believe that wearing these feathers will impart some of these desirable qualities to the wearer.
These dancers are weaning the tail plumes of the Raggiana Bird of Paradise and they emulated the bird's dance and its sharp call.
A hornbill beak bracketed by pig tusks adorns this man's back. This bill came from the Blyth's Hornbill (Rhyticeros plicatus).
To many of us, it appears cruel to see birds captured like this and for them to be killed for their feathers. Indeed it can be distressing to see but we must realize that this is part of the culture of these people. The use of local bird feathers has been their custom for many years before modern man intruded upon their world. The impact of the modern world is a much greater factor threatening the survival of rare species in Papua New Guinea.
All photos (except otherwise noted) are by Gail J. Worth and are copyrighted and may not be reproduced by any method without written permission.
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