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baby Meyer's Parrots- blue subspecies
(Poicephalus meyeri matschiei) on right
This lovely little
Meyer's Parrot is a perfect small pet! Native to central and eastern
Africa, it is quiet, but learns to mimic easily,
does not require a large cage, and has a sweet personality. It
has personality characteristics similar to those of Senegal Parrots
but is perhaps a little milder.
The Meyer's can
be caged in a small cage suitable for cockatiel-sized birds.
It should be fed a fresh diet that is
as natural as possible.
The charming Meyer's Parrot
a very mellow personality.
Meyer's are playful
should be given a lot of toys.
The Meyer's is great for
an apartment or for anyone who wants a quiet
smaller bird with a lively personality!
A Meyer's Parrot is a superb
family pet!
All photographs
are by Gail J. Worth and are copyrighted.
They may not be reproduced by any method without written permission.