The significance of our
Hatch Certificate data:

Parent-pair number and
nursery number
We keep a permanent record of the information pertaining to all baby birds raised at our facility. We know the parent pair number, nursery number, band number, hatch date, shipping date, and to whom sold information for all of our babies. The initials AI, followed by a unique number, are on all of our closed bands. This information has occasionally afforded us the pleasure of reuniting lost/stolen birds to their rightful owners! We recommend that you keep the documents you receive from us in a safe place, perhaps even make a copy or two of them. We are also able to provide unrelated mates to babies we have raised in the past because we can trace any baby we have raised from the band number. Therefore, even if you have one of our babies purchased from another source, we can identify the bird in our records.


image by Gail J. Worth
All photographs on this web site are by Gail J. Worth (unless otherwise noted) and are copyrighted.
They may not be reproduced by any method without written permission.

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